There has been alot going on around here lately, hence the lack of the promised postings that haven't happened. I am trying to formulate a good blog post about the past 16 days, but for now I wanted to share a side of me that I didn't know would ever show up. The side that somewhere, along the way, in the past 2 years, has finally gained some confidence. True pride and confidence in who I've become and how I've gotten to where I am. Granted, with some upsets along the way and the still ever-changing things that I do to keep it 'mixed-up'. (You know, little things like tattoos, body piercings, dreadlocks, and complete changes in attitude and outlook).
All it took was the past 16 days of my life for me to actually REALIZE it.
Well, either that or I'm misunderstanding the 'signs' and it's more of an overwhelmed or a woe-is-me attitude, than one of confidence.
I'm going with confidence right now, or arrogance, whatever you want to call it. It's just my overall feeling in life right now.
This song puts it into words perfectly.
I always loved that song.