We made it! To 14 weeks! Babies are great, I'm doing pretty good, less tired but now a whole lotta new stuff is popping up. Who knew when you have HOM (High Order Multiples) that all your interenal organs get reaaranged? Ever move your living room furniture around and its all in a different place? Know how tired you are after? Well, that is what my body is doing daily. And it is TIRING. And here we are: 14 WEEKS! YAY!
Thursday we leave for vacation. We are headed to the lake for the 4th. We need to go before I get too huge so this is our "BIG" summer vacation. We'll be home on Monday and I'll be back with lots of pics! I have my 15 week appointment Tuesday morning so MAYBE just MAYBE we'll get to see genders! I can't wait!
Thanks Joy. ;). I will never forget your Weeble pic that you posted when you were about to pop with the twins. That pic made my day. I still think about it and chuckle.