"How Can You Have Too Many Children? That's Like Saying You Have Too Many Flowers" ~ Mother Teresa

A Peek Into Our Hectic, Crazy & Loving Family of Eleven


Saturday, March 27, 2010


It's here, it's here, it's finally here!!

My new (to me, Thank you Craigslist for saving us $700!) RunAbout Triple Stroller. I.love.it.LOVE.LOVE. ( Did I mention LOVE?)

It's not super pretty. It's plain. Grey and blue. But it is awesome. The babies love it. It's large, but what triplet stroller won't be? And we have to get some type of carrier for it to go on the back of the car (yes, it's that large) but all I see is FREEDOM. Finally. I can leave the house without help. WhooooHoooooo!

It's not cozy. The seats are hard. But I am on the hunt for some cool seat covers for them. I've only found 1 place that sells them and they're 3/$105. So, I'm hoping to find a pattern to make my own, or I may give in and just buy them. I'm not sure if the cost would be much less when I figure in my time and supplies.

So, any-whoooos. Here it is:

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