I'm doing so good. I'm so happy that I've made it this far and everything is so perfect. My cervix is still measuring between 4.4 and 4.8! No funneling. Babies are moving around alot. AND....The BEST news of the day??!?!?! Gwendolen (Baby B) DOES have a 3 vessel cord!!! YAY! YAY! YAY! The tech said that she must have been at a funky angle last week because there was very clearly a 3 vessel cord there today! It was like Christmas in there for me today. I was so happy to hear that. That means that all 3 babies are perfect. fluid, cords, growth, EVERYTHING. Celebration time! :)
I am doing well. Growing but not so tired, which is great news. I get alot of pressure down low but if I lay down, it relieves a ton. Rosalie (Baby A) is laying pretty low down there. I can no longer bend at my waist. My legs are getting quite the workout. All things considered, I don't think I could ask for a better day. :)
Noah and Juliette went today to see the babies. I think Noah needed to see the lack of penis' for himself. Sweet boy. :)

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