"How Can You Have Too Many Children? That's Like Saying You Have Too Many Flowers" ~ Mother Teresa

A Peek Into Our Hectic, Crazy & Loving Family of Eleven


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Am Thankful..Day 8

Today I am Thankful for my Dreadlocks. So very Thankful. 17 months ago, I 'started' my Dreadlocks. Here is where I blogged about my journey initially, and a few times after that, I'm sure. I was hoping that they would not only teach me patience but that they would make my mornings just a little bit easier by not having to wash my hair every day. All of my dreams about having dreadlocks have come true. I've gained patience, tolerance and understanding of myself. I've learned so much, simply by allowing my hair to do what it naturally wants to do. This journey has been the ultimate test of patience. And trust me, with triplets, you can never have enough patience. :) Plus, on those days that simply washing my hair means that I'm in the shower for just 3 minutes longer, causing a few lovely little girls to do just that much more damage while I'm out of site, NOT having to wash my hair everyday is life-saving. Or at least chaos saving.

It's the little things.

Annnddddd, it helps that I am finally happy with my hair. I ♥ my dreadlocks. For so many reasons.

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